Web Site Optimization Resources
Completely free Web Site Optimization Resources incorporated into your Site Control Panel

Using the collection of Web Site Optimization Resources integrated into the Site Control Panel, you’ll be able to start promoting your fresh site, just after it has been developed. Using the RSS News tool, you can easily place a frequently kept up–to–date news area on your site. Utilizing the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can easily re–direct your visitors based on their country. On top of that, from the Sitemap Generator, you can generate a comprehensive sitemap for your website and submit it to the search engines.
A Sitemap Generator
Get a sitemap with all of your webpages a click of the mouse
The fastest method to get your newly launched website indexed in the major search engines will be to publish a sitemap. The sitemap shows all the pages within your site and by submitting it to a search engine, you notify it you’d like to have those pages to be crawled in a timely manner. Sitemaps are usually generated by third–party instruments. However, with us, you do not need to move from your Site Control Panel. Our own in–house made Sitemap Generator is incorporated into the Advanced Applications part and will complete a sitemap for you in a click.
All you need to do is opt for the highest number of webpages you desire to be crawled, the range of the crawled URLs and the extension of the sitemap document.
GeoIP Redirection
Simple and easy location–driven redirection
We supply an easy application, which will enable you to filter the visitors of your website based on their country. For instance, utilizing the GeoIP redirection tool, you can easily forward all the visitors coming from Spain to the Spanish variant of your site if you’ve got such. This will help you target your visitors a lot more precisely and supply them with the on–site experience they anticipate.
No exclusive capabilities or special knowledge are required to make use of the GeoIP redirection application, and you no longer have to use .htaccess files to complete the task.
RSS News
Present the most up–to–date news within your web site
In the Simple Hosting Site Control Panel, we have built–in an instrument, which allows you to include publications from the most popular information outlets worldwide inside your web sites, with just a click of the mouse. Our News application functions automatically and won’t require any extra configuration work on your part,
The RSS News component is fully customizable with regards to HTML and CSS. You’ll be able to modify the quantity of publication items that will be showcased, exactly how they will appear like, exactly how they will be arranged, and so forth.